The earliest recorded finding of the Offutt name in what was then the English Colonies in the New World was found in the province
of Maryland. In 1694 a land grant of 101 acres was made. The property was named "Offett's Delight In 1711 land
records record the transfer of "The Outlett" to Wm. Offutt, planter in Prince George's County, MD. By the
time of his death in 1734 William Offutt had amassed a considerable amount of property, over 1000 acres. It is said that at
one time this early Offutt family owned the property that the White House now sits on. This remains to be confirmed, and may
be impossible to verify. William and his wife Mary (Brock) Offutt had 11 children. All but one would marry, and of
those who did marry all but one family would be blessed with children. This makes researching the Offutt name difficult at
best in early records, as the same first names were often used by each family.

List of Surnames The Offutt name is sometimes mis-spelled in early records. I have found the following variations,
there may be others that I am unaware of: Offut Offit Offet Offitt Offett